Coming Events

  • Sunday Services in our church. 10am followed by morning tea in the church hall.
  • Ash Wednesday 5 March. 7pm Pancakes in church hall followed at 7.30pm by an Ash Wednesday service
  • Easter Dawn Service: 6.30am Sunday 20 April. At the Lake Bonney amphitheatre on the lakefront.
  • Prayer Group: Saturday mornings at 9am
  • Sunday Services are in the church at 10am followed by morning tea.
  • Exploring Mission: Saturday 15 March 2pm-4.30pm: Workshop in the church hall with Chris Battistuzzi (Scripture Union) For everyone with an interest in reaching kids and families in your community.
  • Commissioning service for Pastoral Care Workers Sunday 2 March, 2.30pm
  • Church Together: Sunday 27 April late afternoon in the Berri Town Hall. An opportunity for all Riverland churches to celebrate together.
  • Refresh and Bloom: Every Wednesday and Thursday 9.30am - 3pm in Belmont Hall
  • Home group meeting fortnightly
  • Prayer time meets fortnightly
  Worship services till end April 2025 (normally 10am)

Date Barmera - Preacher
Berri - Preacher
2 February
Combined at Berri Sarah Menadue
9 February David Badger - Communion
Followed by AGM of congregation
Anne Chase - Communion
16 February Chris Battistuzzi - Scripture Union Combined at Barmera
23 February Anne Chase Helen Morgan
Followed by AGM of congregation
2 March Combined at Berri - 2.30pm 2.30 pm John Chase
PCW Commissioning service
5 March
Ash Wednesday
7pm Pancakes
7.30pm Ash Wednesday service

9 March Glenys Badger - Communion Lilian Cameron - Communion
16 March Malcolm Wilson Combined at Barmera
23 March Ron Harris Vonda Barrett
30 March 9am Visiit Barmera Lutherans To be confirmed
6 April Combined at Berri Lesley Heinrich - Pastoral Care Worker
13 April Jenny Keane - Communion John & Jillian Petersen - Communion
18 April
Good Friday 10am
Combined at Berri Peter Jarvis
20 April 6.30am
Easter Dawn Service by Lake Bonney
20 April
Easter Day 10am
John Chase Combined at Barmera
27 April
10am Jeanette Staehr
10am No service
Late afternoon: Church Together - Berri Town Hall



Service Times

Barmera: Sunday, 10am
Nookamka Tce, Barmera 5345

Berri: Sunday, 10am 
Denny St, Berri,

Berri children in church

Contact us

Berri Church

Denny Street, Berri
Phone: 0492 306 950
Postal: PO Box 860, Berri. SA 5343

Follow us on Facebook:

Lilian Cameron, Secretary of Church Council
0427 619 785

John Chase, Chairperson of Church Council
0419 848 672

John Kanyi, Treasurer
(08) 8588 1370

Facility and Hall Hire

Barmera Church

80 Nookamka Terrace, Barmera
Postal: PO Box 413, Barmera. SA 5345

Visit us on Facebook

Tony Loffler, Chairperson of Church Council
0408 590 275

Jill Harris, Treasurer and Hall Hire
(08) 8588 2460



No minister currently.